Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Jungle Book (Play)...

... teen musical put on by the Theatre Lab.
It was only about 40 minutes long but still an amazing and colourful show.

I need to get external battery packs to my flashes so they fire/recharge faster. The Pocket Wizards are working great... so great it is hard to stop just blazing away. I had my camera set to 400 ISO the whole time so many of my non-flashed shots were not usable.

Click on the title of the post to get to the entire Flickr set.


  1. hi!!! my name is Zoe, and my school is doing the Jungle Book also. i hope it's as awesome as yours!!!

  2. tttyyutyditikjmfnfbdh

  3. Zoe... where is your school and who is your photographer?
