... a perfect 4 night stay in NYC over Memorial Day (Fleet Week). I hit all my favorite parks, restaurants and areas. Even saw "A Chorus Line" for the first time, as well as a Memorial Day parade in the Bronx. People watched with my new 300 mm telephoto and spent over a grand in new photo gear at B&H. Perfect weather in the park and Washington Square - i wish i could have stayed longer. Did you notice the candid shot of Philip Seymour Hoffman?
The most amazing moment was signing a petition for two enterprising kids who wanted to "Help save the Dragons and other Mythical Creatures". I would have given then money if they had thought to ask. I wish them every success.
... a very brief stay in Constanta, a beach resort area in Romania along the Black Sea. Again, no time for photography and only had a crappy small digital camera. I did get to take a cruise up the ass end of the Danube river - which was nice. I wish i could have visited Bucharest again... must come back.
... a short work trip to Kiev, Ukraine. Had to bring a small point-n-shoot digital camera with me so the skies are a bit washed. Kiev was very green and european, just wish i had some free time while there. The Golden Gate is a big old fortress in the middle of the city.
... played at the Galaxy Hut. Is it too much to ask that for once, a bar might have some decent lighting? They play their own music... which is a welcome change.. and i suspect this means they have some talent. I would like to hear them again.
... i love my neighborhood (Courthouse/Clarendon). There are a number of Bolivian dance troupes that populate this area and in my opinion this would not have been as great a parade without them. Who are these guys?... so colorful.